Rhea Lalla

Build Great Minds with Rhea Lalla

Rhea Lalla is a Toronto based Conscious Parenting speaker, coach and author for parents who want to raise incredibly confident, happy, fully expressed kids who are thriving emotionally.

Rhea is a Certified Trainer and Emotional Intelligence Specialist, with almost 20 years of coaching and training experience, she has successfully led workshops globally on the intricacies of emotional intelligence to the United Nations, Fortune 500 Executives and Management and Public and Private Schools as well as parents to hone and develop their awareness, emotional connections and parent, lead and educate consciously.

She believes in inspiring and supporting parents back to their intuition and healing whatever holds parents and children back from living into their best selves.

Rhea has been extremely effective at resolving the distance, frustration, resistance and power-struggles that plagues parent-child relationships and helps guide parents back to creating deeply loving communication and epic experiences with their kids, so they want to listen and be guided by you.