Ari Gunzberg

WAY TO GREATNESS with Ari GunzbUrg

Ari learned about death early in life. He experienced a traumatic moment when only 10 years old, when his teacher passed away while on a hiking trip. This would affect his life deeply and change his perspective forever.

Following the death of this teacher, there was trouble afoot at school for all of the traumatized kids. This created a domino effect of changes and decisions that all culminated in Ari getting his “PhD” from the school of hard knocks, through multiple bad decisions and the outcomes of those decisions.

Having to live through these decisions and consequences has taught Ari many important life lessons; all of which he passes on to others.

In This Episode, You Will Learn

  • (7:00) About the responsibility of our decisions that impacts generations
  • (25:00) About parts of our human experience that are beyond our comprehension
  • (42:00) How failures are inevitable, but they are only moments on the way to greatness

Some Questions I Ask

  • (12:00) Are you willing to share your story of childhood trauma?
  • (30:00) How do you measure Love?
  • (34:00) How did your childhood trauma impact your life?
  • (47:00) What kind of public speaking and storytelling training do you have?



“On our way to greatness, failures are just a moment in time”
- Ari Gunzburg