
Jen Satterly, Co-Founder of All Secure Foundation

All Secure Foundation was born from the real life struggle Tom CSM (R) and Jen faced when he stepped away from a life of service after 25 years in the Army, 20 in the most elite Special Operations unit, Delta Force, and into a now unfamiliar civilian world.

Coping with physical, mental, and emotional pain on a daily basis created challenges and stresses that almost buried them both.

Their love and commitment to each other pushed them to find sustainable ways to heal themselves physically first, which gave them the strength to begin healing mentally and emotionally as well.

From that success came the determination to help others who struggle learn to dust off their hard won skills and apply them to living the best life possible, giving hope and purpose to the one next to them, and the next. Each one, teach one.

The soil for my growth, the roots for my stability, the water for my life. This woman Jen Satterly is everything and more to me and I absolutely could not go through life happy without her. Thank you for dedicating so much of your time to help so many veterans and their spouses reclaim their lives and find joy and happiness. I’m so proud of what you are doing and sharing it on this podcast. Thank you Peter for having her on. I had no doubt that her story would reach so many’s hearts.

– Tom Satterly